Top 8 Human ResourcesTrends:2021

Dr.Preeti Singh

Assistant Professor, Jagannath International Management School, Kalkaji

Pandemic marked as most difficult years of human life. Year 2021 was difficult time where people find it difficult to keep work life balance.  Pandemic has changed the way people used to work and balance their life. On-going new HR Trends 2022. In 2022 new variant omicron affected large number of Indian Population.

Pandemic has also changed the business processes. New communication tactics was adopted by the organisations. .. Remote workings, video streaming platforms are used to interview candidates. Teams performing online and virtual meeting become part of day to day business operation… The article through light on latest HR trends that have drastically changed the way human resource functions are carried in the organizations.  In past years, drastic change in HR industry was observed. The work which was previously carried by humans has now been carried by computers. New work policies werecirculated amongst the employees. Work from home was observed as new work code by various organisations. This situation has contributed to new HR trends 2022. This article throws light on latest HR trends

1.      Remote Working

The most drastic working trend observed during pandemic was remote working. Although many companies lack the infrastructure and even do not carry policies that made remote working easier for employees. . The companies to cope with pandemic and make their processes run need to adapt work from home working code for their employees.

As per report submitted by world economic forum 98% people prefer remote working in current situation.

Many employers faced challenges in making different tools available to employees during work from home situation. It was observed that employees were productive and was focused when they are at their home.Corporates realised that remote working also works

It has now been considered that remote working will stay after pandemic subsides. Work from Home has evolved as important HRM trends. A multinational company like Microsoft, Google, IBM, Twitter, and Microsoft has implemented Work from Home policy for their employees.

2. Remote Learning

Work from home has changed the business model. Employees were supposed to develop and learn new technologies Learning remains an important aspect even in pandemic. 

Present times has witnessed rising trend in e learning and remote learning. Employees make use of virtual classrooms, virtual exam and video lectures. Virtual platforms made learning fun for employees through interactive learning’s. Remote learning facilitated lot of learning opportunities for the employees to work, along with its focus on their weak areas.

3. up skilling

The process of getting new and relevant competencies required in today’s scenario and in future scenario. Example of up skilling is analytical skills, digital skills and other skills required for organisation transformation.  Up skilling concept is now considered synonymous to growth and development. Various research studies shows that during pandemic demand for upskillling increased to 40%. Up skilling concept contribute to learning new skills promoting employee performance and engagement. Up skilling own employees contribute to enhanced employee morale and employee retention.  

4) Virtual Team Building Activities

During pandemic it was observed that more number of people adopted work from home which is altogether a new experience for all working professionals. The HR in this scenario was actively involved in redesigning and rethinking HR policies in the organisation. The concept of virtual teams gave improved result in various projects. Video conferencing helps employees realise that they are part of team in scenario of working alone.  

5) Data-Driven HR

Data analytics is widely accepted these days in business decision making. The performance and skill gaps are usually accessed by HR executives through data analytics. Future demand can also be accessed by HR executives. Through data analysis that helps in accessing future demand and planning could be done accordingly.

6) Mobile-Friendly Recruitment

Mobile recruitment is term used where talent is recruited through application of mobile technology. HR constantly looks for top talent available in market. Companies are switching to top mobile friendly recruitment process. The mobile friendly recruitment process of organisation contributes to enhanced employee experience and reduced hassles of recruitment process. Mobile friendly recruitment facilitates recruitment process that need individual with smartphone and is available for interview and is also cost efficient.

7) Productivity

The major goals that HR department in organisation carry is productivity. The main idea is perform in direction of goals of organisation. Remote working has changed the idea of “productivity” The reasons are 1)

Automation has entered the Organisations, which facilitated companies to automatically measure productivity of employees.  2) The concept of ‘Cloud’ facilitated HR to monitor productivity of remote employees sharing their details in lesser time duration. 3) Concept of flexi timings in remote working boosted employee productivity.

8) Breakthrough of Virtual Reality

Two latest technologies: Augmented Reality (AR) &Virtual Reality (VR) are changing the way business was done before. VR is actively used in human resource management these days in stimulating real world scenarios. Insights into different situations can be made through VR. The idea of virtual reality gave new employees “virtual tour” of the office.

The possibilities for VR applications in HR are endless. They are being used to simulate real-world scenarios, where employees can be trained. They are used to gain insights into different situations. VR is also used to give new employees a “virtual tour” of the office

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