Nurturing Future HR Visionaries: JIMS Kalkaji’s Workshops on Generative AI’s Impact in HR for PGDM Students

Dr. Shruti Traymbak

Associate Professor

Jagannath International Management School (JIMS), Kalkaji, is dedicated to shaping forward-thinking HR professionals equipped with the latest industry insights. As part of this mission, JIMS Kalkaji organizes workshops focusing on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its transformative role in HR practices. This report offers an in-depth analysis of these workshops, emphasizing their significance in shaping the learning journey of PGDM students. Mr Rishuraj Verma, Oracle , Data Architect organizes, workshops on Generative AI’s Influence in HR aim to provide JIMS Kalkaji’s PGDM students with a comprehensive understanding of how AI is reshaping conventional HR functions. Led by seasoned industry experts and academic scholars, these sessions blend theoretical concepts with practical applications. Through case studies and interactive activities, students explore various dimensions of AI’s impact on HR, including recruitment, talent management, employee engagement, and performance evaluation.

Mr Verma emphasized that how AI algorithms revolutionize candidate sourcing, screening, and selection processes. Real-world examples illustrate AI’s effectiveness in identifying top talent and ensuring cultural fit within organizations. Apart from that workshops also delve into AI’s role in enhancing employee satisfaction and retention strategies. Students examine sentiment analysis and predictive modeling techniques to understand how AI can predict turnover risks and personalize engagement initiatives. Participants explore AI’s contribution to personalized learning and development programs. They learn how AI platforms analyze individual learning styles and performance data to recommend customized training modules for employees. The workshops discuss AI’s application in objective performance assessments and trend identification. Students gain insights into how AI-driven insights can inform coaching and development initiatives.

JIMS Kalkaji’s workshops on Generative AI in HR have left a lasting impact on PGDM students. Through hands-on activities and engaging discussions, students have gained a deeper appreciation for AI’s potential in HRM. These workshops have fostered critical thinking and stimulated conversations about the ethical implications of AI adoption in HR practices. Furthermore, students have acquired practical insights into emerging trends and best practices in AI-driven HRM. They are now better equipped to leverage AI technologies to address complex HR challenges and drive organizational success.

JIMS Kalkaji’s workshops on Generative AI’s Role in HR exemplify the institution’s commitment to providing comprehensive learning experiences for PGDM students. By bridging theory with practical applications, these workshops empower students to navigate the evolving HR landscape with confidence and innovation. As AI continues to reshape HR practices, JIMS Kalkaji remains dedicated to nurturing the next generation of HR leaders equipped to harness AI’s transformative power effectively.

Workshops focusing on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Resources (HR) offer significant benefits for PGDM students preparing for industry placements. These workshops serve as invaluable platforms for students to acquire practical insights, enhance their skill set, and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

Firstly, these workshops provide students with hands-on experience and exposure to cutting-edge AI technologies shaping the HR landscape. By participating in interactive sessions and case studies, students develop a deep understanding of how AI is revolutionizing HR practices, including recruitment, talent management, and employee engagement. This knowledge not only enriches their academic learning but also equips them with real-world expertise highly sought after by prospective employers.

Secondly, workshops on Gen AI in HR enable students to hone their analytical and problem-solving abilities. Through practical exercises and simulations, students learn to analyze data, interpret insights, and make informed decisions. These critical thinking skills are invaluable in HR roles, where professionals are tasked with solving complex challenges and optimizing organizational performance.

Moreover, workshops provide students with networking opportunities and industry exposure. By interacting with industry experts and practitioners, students gain valuable insights into current trends, best practices, and emerging technologies in HRM. These connections can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and mentorship programs, enhancing students’ employability and career Prospects.

Additionally, workshops on Gen AI in HR foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development among students. By staying abreast of the latest advancements in AI and HR technology, students demonstrate adaptability and agility, essential qualities in today. Overall, Gen AI offers PGDM students a powerful toolkit to augment their education, foster critical thinking skills, and prepare them for success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

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